Seasonal plants online: Tips to grow houseplants

Seasonal plants online: Tips to grow houseplants


3 min read

You might have limited space in your home to grow an outdoor garden. But this does not mean you can’t have natural beauty inside. With proper planning, dedication, effort and selection, you can grow indoor houseplants successfully. You need to select a good online portal and check out the different types of houseplants available and its details.

Tips to grow properly houseplants

Buy seasonal plants: You can buy seasonal plants online. Seasonal plants are plants that grow in a particular season. Besides costing less, you will also be able to maintain it easily and with less effort. Not much knowledge of gardening will be necessary if you select easy to maintain ones.

Recognize when it needs water: Under-watering and over-watering plants are two aspects that you need to keep in mind. But you need to be concerned with the latter than the former. Remember most houseplants can dry off slightly than sopping wet. Give sufficient water to ensure moist and not soggy soil. Learn the different plant types and the water frequency they demand.

Be wary of ventilation, humidity and temperature: Houseplants mostly grow well in 65 to 75 degree Fahrenheit temperatures during day and around 10 degrees cooler during nighttimes. They need humidity level similar to natural growing conditions. In some plants if condensation stays for long on its leaves can be harmful. Hence, proper airflow is desired.

Proper light: Light energy is required by all plants to carry out photosynthesis. However, different houseplants need varying light amounts. Most houseplants require indirect light and not much direct light. Keep them mostly in west-facing windows. Find out if the plant requires bright light or low light conditions. You may buy medicinal plants online.

Appropriate potting soil: For plant roots to grow properly, superior quality potting soil will be required. For this, you need to ensure ideal balance of water absorption, aeration and nutrition. Typical potting soil mixes include vermiculite, perlite, shredded pine bark and peat moss, etc. Find out what type of soil is desired by your selected plant.

Choose pot which fits the plant: The pot you choose should enable the plant to grow comfortably. Hence, during pot selection, consider its drainage capacity, size and material used for its construction. Use pot proportional to current plant size. In diameter, it should be few inches wider than plant root mass. Check out purple mango price and plant it in your home garden.

Fertilizer: Plants need nutrition to grow and be healthy. Hence replenish nutrients regularly in potting soil. Once a month fertilize houseplants as they flower or grow.

Grow plants proudly!

Following the above tips will enable you to grow your houseplants with great confidence. You can proudly show them to your neighbours, colleagues, friends and relatives. You are sure to win praises from everyone.